Our top sellers in the wall paint range!

Silicate Hybrid Paint 694
Adhesive and finishing coat for fleece reinforcement in drywall construction according to VOB Part C DIN 18363
for creating high-quality wall surfaces
for rational processing of filigree ceilings
wet abrasion resistance class 2 DIN EN 13300
Contrast ratio class 2 DIN EN 13300
High diffusivity sd-value less than 0,01
Fire protection class A2 DIN 4102
High pH value greater than 11
Fungus- and mold-inhibiting
without preservatives
The LEINOS Silicate Hybrid Paint 694 convinces by impressive processing advantages. By embedding a glass fiber fleece in a modified wet-on-wet system, usual waiting and restart times are omitted and immediately ready results are created. This means considerable time savings for the installer. Regardless of whether drywall, filigree ceilings or plaster substrates are involved, the covering with the mesh eliminates the need for a lot of substrate preparation work, so that in most cases a Q2 quality substrate is sufficient, depending on the customer's requirements. Due to the high material usage, a possible formation of stripes is counteracted.
By the use of LEINOS Silicate Hybrid Paint in connection with the embedding of a glass silk fabric, the fire protection class A2 is fulfilled with an appropriate substrate. Due to the high pH-value, the LEINOS Silicate Hybrid Paint is excellently suitable for mold prevention and remediation according to the guideline of the German Federal Environmental Agency. Compared to systems with comparable pH-values, such as lime paints or dispersion silicate paints, LEINOS Silicate Hybrid Paint is adjusted to be scrub resistant. The professional quality, specially formulated for the processor, in combination with the many years of natural paint competence of LEINOS, offers the processor tangible arguments against the competition and thus clear advantages for generating better margins on his orders.
Silicate Clay Paint 689
Due to the novel binder combination, we have succeeded in producing a unique, high-quality and ready-to-use wall paint, which combines the outstanding properties of silicate and clay paints:
Preservative- and solvent-free
Cloth matt
Natural white
Highly diffusible, sd value less than 0.01
Contrast ratio class 2 DIN EN 13300
Wet abrasion resistance class 2 DIN EN 13300
Odor absorbing
High pH value greater than 11
Fungus and mold inhibiting
LEINOS Silicate Clay Paint can be applied as a new or renovation coat on suitable substrates. Due to the high pH-value, the silicate clay paint is excellently suitable for mold prevention and remediation according to the guideline of the Federal Environmental Agency.
Compared to systems with comparable pH-values, such as lime paints or dispersion silicate paints, LEINOS Silikat-Lehmfarbe is adjusted to be scrub resistant.
The professional quality especially formulated for the processor in connection with the long lasting natural paint competence of LEINOS, offers the processor tangible arguments against the competition and thus clear advantages to generate better margins for his orders.